Fletcher Wedding 2015

Fletcher Wedding 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pride in Marriage

When thinking about marriage, pride is something that should never come to mind. There can’t be pride in marriage it just gets you nowhere. Just think about it, does having pride solve anything? No, no it doesn’t. When doing the reading for this week I was able to reflect on my marriage and the relationship I have with my husband. There have been plenty of times we have got into little arguments and because we are both stubborn and a little prideful, things just don’t end well.  I have definitely noticed a difference when pride does come into play and when it doesn’t. When my husband and I are able to talk about our feelings and get everything out on the table, it immediately eliminates tension and allows us to forgive and move on.
Growing up I never wanted to hear that I was wrong, or that I had done something to offend another person, but that all went out the window when I got married. I am grateful that my husband is able to tell me when I am doing something he doesn’t like, I am grateful that he helps me become a better person. That is what marriage is all about; building each other up instead of tearing each other down. 

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